Our digital forensics institute was the first private subject that was included in the official list of forensic institutes of the Czech Republic in the area of cybernetics and information technology held by the Czech Ministry of Justice.
RAC DFI obtained the NATO Security Certificate for examination of classified or sensitive information and is verified by a National Security Authority up to the “Confidential” level according to the Act Nr. 412/2005 Sb.

Our digital forensics institute was the first private subject that was included in the official list of forensic institutes of the Czech Republic in the area of cybernetics and information technology held by the Czech Ministry of Justice.
RAC DFI obtained the NATO Security Certificate for examination of classified or sensitive information and is verified by a National Security Authority up to the “Confidential” level according to the Act Nr. 412/2005 Sb.

Our digital forensics institute team includes experienced experts and well qualified and certified staff with the knowledge of current forensic examination practices and having skills in working with the most modern digital forensic tools.

Michal Zipaj

Michal Zipaj Jr.
DFI Sales Director & DFI ExaminerMCFE, GKO, BelkaCE

Ladislav Hanzlicek
Senior ConsultantCISA, CRISC

Viktor Tichy
Senior ConsultantQCS, C-A PPE

Jiri Stokr
DFI Sales SupportGKO, BelkaCE
Digital Forensics Institute provides different services and solutions that helps your digital forensic examinations.
We are the largest digital forensics services provider and forensics hardware and software reseller on the Czech and Slovak market.
Our team include experienced experts and qualified staff, a well-equiped computer forensic laboratory and state of the art analytical tools.
Everything along with using the most modern practices in our forensic examinations.
Customer base consist of Czech and Slovak Police, government, intelligence, military, courts but also private companies and international corporations.
Digital Forensics Institute provides different services and solutions that helps your digital forensic examinations. We are the largest digital forensics services provider and forensics hardware and software reseller on the Czech and Slovak market. Our team include experienced experts and qualified staff, a well-equiped computer forensic laboratory and state of the art analytical tools. Everything along with using the most modern practices in our forensic examinations. Customer base consist of Czech and Slovak Police, government, intelligence, military, courts but also private companies and international corporations.

In case of a security incident, the reaction time plays a key role.
Lot of cases investigations failed because of an incorrect first reaction to the incident.
Late or bad data acquisition can make the examination completely impossible.